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Talha PC!
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DAEMON Tools Ultra
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But when your career is on the line, handling a little fake pee is worth it to keep your job. If you’re still averse to the option, let us remind you that you can still fail the test with a ‘clean’ sample of another person’s urine, while this may not be the most foolproof method if done right, synthetic urine is a clear-cut way out of a drug test. Keep reading because we’ve reviewed the 5 best synthetic urine that can help you pass your drug test, don’t buy cheap fake urine. THC stays for much longer than it does urine. While THC stays in your urine for between 2 and 10 days, it can stay for up to three months, even if you only smoke occasionally. This is because the drug metabolites in your blood spread across your body and stay there – including your hair.