If you've been battling with how to flash a custom recovery on your Infocus M680 phone, here ends your stress.
Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) is now available for M680 and can be easily flashed on the device without root access. That is, whether or not your Infocus M680 is rooted, you can flash this TWRP recovery comfortably and without stress.
How to flash TWRP recovery on Infocus M680
Flashing TWRP On Infocus M680
- Download and extract contents of SP Flashtool to a folder on your desktop
- Download and extract contents of Infocus M680 TWRP on a seperate folder
- Open SP Flashtool and double-click on flash_tool.exe to run
- Once SP Flashtool is launched, click on scatter-loading.
- Navigate to where you extracted Infocus M680 TWRP and select the scatter file. Should be MT6753_Android_scatter.txt
- After selecting the scatter file, power off the phone
- Click on Download in the SP Flashtool interface
- Now connect the turned off M680 to Computer and wait for the flashing process to begin. Make sure you have properly installed drivers for your device before connecting to Computer. If you haven't, http://ikkemunandar.blogspot.com /p/drivers.html" target="_blank">click here to learn how.
- Once the flashing process is complete, disconnect M680 from Computer and reboot to TWRP before booting the device fully (Power button + Vol up, or power button + Vol down). This is to avoid the stock recovery from overiding TWRP.
- Done.
If after flashing TWRP recovery and you discover the default language is not English, http://ikkemunandar.blogspot.com /2016/06/how-to-change-twrp-language-to-english.html" target="_blank">click here to learn how to change to English.
If for any reason something goes wrong or the recovery failed to startup and soft-bricks your phone, please http://ikkemunandar.blogspot.com /2016/06/infocus-m680-stock-recovery-download.html" target="_blank">click here to learn how to restore stock recovery.
Now you can easily make a complete backup of your stock firmware, flash packages, etc.
Also, you can root your Infocus M680 easily and safely via recovery by following the guide http://ikkemunandar.blogspot.com /2016/06/how-to-root-any-android-device-via.html" target="_blank">here.
Questions? Ask in comments section below.
Low-quality products won’t give you such results. We hope this article cleared all your doubts about a hair follicle drug test and the various detox methods. Incidentally, most detox programs are designed for urine tests. Detox drinks can even work at the eleventh hour if you follow the instructions correctly. But there’s hardly anything you can do overnight to pass a hair follicle test. Once the THC metabolites and other toxins get embedded in your hair follicle, it’s tough to get rid of those. Then, you would have no option but to wait for your hair to grow out. But the hair shampoo should work to some extent if you are a light user. The best way to go about it would be to follow a healthy detox routine regularly.macujo.com Many people try the home remedy detox route, so before we go into the detox shampoos, we’ll take a look at these DIY remedies and their effectiveness at helping you to pass hair follicle testing. While a few of these home detox remedies appear to be helpful, they’re not guaranteed to work. For example, although refraining from drug use can help you to pass a drug test; you are less than likely to know of an upcoming test three months before. Shaving your hair off can help you avoid having to take the test as originally scheduled. However, this may be a red flag to your employer or the place requesting the test, so they may put you on probation as they wait for your hair to grow back so you can be tested. This period of time may be longer than the 90 day timeframe that can be detected on a test.