Aircel Free 3G Internet when you search these keyword on Internet you found my blog but many readers say that your aircel trick is not working more. That's why I come here with a new 3g trick with aircel. This 3G trick is very simple and legal. In this trick you don't need to change any proxy or address. But this Aircel 3G Unlimited Internet trick is only Working in Android Phone. I try this trick or My Android phone with Aircel Sim.
These Aircel Trick is Working with new Flinch VPN. Flinch VPN bypass your ISP restrictions and unblocked all websites. In here we use Flinch OpenVPN server config files in Android with Open VPN.
So how can you use this Unlimited Free Internet Trick on Android Phone.
So Let's begin. I give you all tutorial in Two Steps:-
1. Setup of Flinch VPN
2. Install Flinch VPN in Android Phone With OpenVPN
So we begin with our First Step :-
1.Setup of Flinch VPN
- Open Flinch VPN Register WebPage in your Android Phone/PC.
- Register yourself at this site and Confirm Your Email.
- Now Login with your email and Password on this Website.
- When you all setup, download Android openvpn config files from this website.
- Download file in Zip format so extract it.(If you work on android you need ES File Explorer Android App for extracting Zip Files and If you work on PC you just extract or move files to android sd card folder. )
If you Successfully Complete first Step than move to Next Step.
2. Install Flinch VPN Files in Android Phone With OpenVPN
- Open Google Play Store and Download OpenVPN for Android (Direct Link for Download OpenVPN).
- Install and open OpenVPN Android App in android.
- In right -below you find Import button,now browse open vpn config files in your android phone.
- You find 6 files ,Click one of them and select it.
- Click on save and you just installed Flinch openvpn config files in android.
- Now Click On Open VPN Profile and wait for minute. When you see success message on the last line that means your phone is connected to the Flich VPN Server.
- Make Sure that your phone is root.
- Aircel Mobile Balance is Zero Rupees.
- Aircel APN is aircelinternet .
- If you want Free 3G Internet,Change Network Mode Settings.
- This trick is working only in Aircel.(I only tried in Aircel.)
- You Got 3GB in One Flinch VPN Account,If you want more than open second account.
So my friends try this trick and If you got any problem send me message on Facebook.
Very nice!!! This is really good blog information thanks for sharing.
BalasHapusSSC News