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Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Little Sweden

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Little Sweden

On Friday I went to Little Sweden with two lovely ladies.

When I say "Little Sweden," I mean IKEA. And when I say lovey ladies I mean M and B. (They have full names, but those are not important...). M is JoJo' something? And B is M's best friend. She is bound by no laws.

We drank soda made out of mythical berries, squished lots of pillows and made up several dance moves throughout the day.

 2 words: LINGON. BERRY. 
3rd word: SODA.
Response: OH HECK YES.

 I loved these pillows, but they felt like they were stuff with....swedish elephant dung. 
All lumpy and gross!

 If the chair matches your tights, you probably should buy it
(but I didn't. But good thing too. Posts to come on the chair I bought the next day!)

 I tell them to look natural and this is what they do?

At the end of the day I spent only $20 (couple little glass jars, some orange storage boxes, and a small rug), but had lots of fun. I shall visit Sweden again soon.

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