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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Awesomebella Cooks-LO MEIN

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Awesomebella Cooks-LO MEIN

*Yeah. I still cook on Thursdays and post on Friday. Yeah today is Tuesday of the following week. Just go with it...

Last time I made /2011/01/awesomebella-cooks-fried-rice.html">Chinese-style food it was a big hit. My family actually wanted Chinese yummies weekly (uh, no.) But I figured this (last) week it had been long enough and it was time for some more. This time- BEEF and VEGGIE LO MEIN.

I did some internet browsing, gathered some recipes, and then made my own, like I tend to do. Here it is in all its tasty glory:

It all started here. One very hot wok (which by the way is a beast. If I were a magical ninja I would somehow carry this as my concealed weapon. Maybe a katana as well, because who doesn't like swords. Serious damage could be done. Just be happy I am not a ninja...).

Also needed: lots of Sesame Oil. Goes into hot wok for the ...woking...stir frying...whatever it is called...
You'll be coating the bottom of the wok in it.
Then you will need some vegetables for your stir fry. 
I used 2 packages of snap peas (I love them. I could eat them uncooked all day every day).

Carrots (I think I used like...5 or 6), cut into thin, thin strips.
Onion (I used one small red one. Yellow would have been better, but I was working with what I had.)
Scallions (one bunch).
Pepper (I used 1 orange).
Frozen broccoli was also involved, but it didn't look pretty stacked in the bowl. Peas would also be a nice addition.

 3 cloves of garlic, chopped. And a whole lot of ginger, chopped. Goes into wok for like 30 seconds before everything else.
All the veggies go into the sesame oil-coated super hot wok.
Add soy sauce. Like...a ton. Until it tastes and looks like the Chinese food you are accustomed to.

Added in teaspoon of sugar (makes it shiny?), some salt and...
Also added this in. Figured it was worth trying. Easy and MSG (which my mom and I are allergic to) free.{and I know it says Chow Mein. What is the difference? Chow mein noodles are fried and crunchy. Other than that, pretty much the same. See. Bet you didn't know that! You learn all sorts of things when you read my posts!}

One package of pre-cut stir fry beef goes into the wok with stir frying veggies. Probably should have added it and THEN the veggies all got cooked and no one died so it was okay.

Conversation between me and the grocery store's butcher:
"How can I help you?"- butcher
"Uh....this is awkward...I don't eat need a lot of help."-me
"Okay...what do you need to know?"- butcher
"I'm making stir fry. With beef. What do I use."-me
"Let me make this easier for you! There is some pre-cut over there *points*."- butcher
"Oh. Good work, sir!"- me

*I made two batches. One with beef and one without.

finished product. Super delicious? Check. Looks legit, tastes legit? Check and Check.
*served it all with these. You can't do it without 'em

 Another week, another cooking success.

What will I cook next later this week? I already know, but I'm not telling!

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